
GM mikoko Ujamaa Tanzania, or GMMU

GM mikoko Ujamaa Tanzania, or GMMU, is a community-based organization focused on the socio economic wellbeing of women and girls living in vulnerable conditions around Mdimini, magogoni, and Mjimwema -Kibugumo, Tanzania. Their work includes sourcing school supplies for students, providing education on public health and environmental issues, and investing in local infrastructure projects. Their current mangrove restoration initiative, which includes the planting of 5000 mangrove saplings, employs about ⅔ women and ⅓ unemployed youth. By creating green jobs in their local communities, Women Against Poverty is giving the next generation the tools they need to become mangrove champions! The Dar es Salaam area of Tanzania offers emblematic mangrove forests, huge areas of seagrasses and some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world. In contrast to the incredible richness of marine biodiversity and natural resources, communities are extremely impoverished with limited access to educat...

Save our turtle now in Kigamboni


Seaweeds In Dar Es Salaam

Seaweeds In Dar Es Salaam Our Vision Improved healthy living and income generation through increased seaweed consumption locally for women smallholders seaweed farmers in Tanzania. These twelve SDGs are also steps toward ocean restoring biodiversity, global energy security, and storing carbon-from-air. The macroalgae is destined to become biofuel. Seaweed Farming towards regenerative red seaweed supply. Seaweed contributes to the economy of the country. In Zanzibar, for example, the seaweed industry is the 3rd foreign money earner, after tourism and the clove trade, and it forms over 90% of Zanzibar's marine export products. There are two types of macroalgae, microalgae, ( Eucheuma and Kappaphycus)and seagrasses. In the 1990s Dr Thomas Goreau met two Tanzanian marine Biologists, Dr. Keto Mshigeni and Dr. Adelaida Semeisi, who had pioneered seaweed mariculture and marine science in Tanzania, and they planned to do Biorock projects there. Unfortunately, Dr. Mshigeni le...

Seaweed Report from chinese media

Seaweed Report from chinese media October 25, 2024 坦桑尼亚可持续发展目标领导联盟是一个非政府组织部门。绿色环保项目基金关注妇女儿童的 身心健康。 该公司投资于在坦桑尼亚基坎博尼浅水大规模养殖麒麟菜(Mwani)。我们真诚邀请国际合作伙伴 在坦桑尼亚联合开发麒麟菜(Mwani)种植和采购。 坦桑尼亚水域绿色、环保、无污染,是理想的麒麟菜种植基地.您选择与我们合作时,您未来的事 业将得到上帝的垂青。 我们可以为投资伙伴提供加工场地、虾皮、海藻、面包果等的厂房。

Who we are

  Mikoko Ujamaa Youth and Women-led Carbon Blue Project to improve social  - economic conditions of coastal women who live in vulnerable conditions along the Tanzanian coast.  Our vision is an agroforestry transformation in the developing world,resulting in a massive increase in the use of working trees on working landscapes by smallholder rural households that helps ensure security of food,nutrition,income,health,shelter and energy and a regenerated environment.Expanding our forest garden,Tanzania focuses on climate change adaptation and migration,including climate - smart agriculture(CSA) food security and nutrition,bioenergy,tree products and value chains

Green Turtles

 GREEN TURTLE  We got this education at Nungwi, area found at Zanzibar. Islands worldwide are known as Turlte island due to green turtles nesting on their beaches. The green turtles become sexually mature at 10 to 50 years . After hatching adult sea turtles reach sexual maturity are able to mate. A green turtle's life cycle starts when a female lay's her eggs on beach generally in the area where they were born. In general green turtles lay their first clutch of eggs about three to six weeks after mating.A female turtle can lay up to 200 eggs during night.After laying her eggs the mother turtle's work  is done, and she never return to tend it,so young green turtles must survive on their own.After about two months the baby sea turtles hatch,and the hatchling make their way to the water. Once the baby sea turtles hatch they must make their way to the water.The temperature of the nest during incubation determines the sex of hatchling.  Warm,dark sand produces mostly fema...


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Getting ready for the ocean
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Beach run